Home Smag Grotto - TryHackMe

Smag Grotto - TryHackMe

Room : https://tryhackme.com/room/smaggrotto

Author : @jakeyee


Let’s start with nmap scan.

Discoverd 2 Ports, Let’s check port 80.


From gobuster result we will get directory called /mail

It has a pcap file to download, let’s analize it with wireshark.

Taking good look at it, We can find HTTP POST request to development.smag.thm/login.php and also username and password that used to login on clear text.

Now add development.smag.thm to our /etc/hosts file.

There is a login portal, So now we can login with credentials we found on .pcap file. and it will redirect to /admin.php.

its a webshell, So let’s input reverse shell command to get reverse connection.

Spawn a python shell using ; python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

Enumerating further more we can see interesting job running on /etc/crontab

Here we can manipulate that to get user privilege.

We have write permission, So we can add our public key to /opt/.backups/jake_id_rsa.pub.backup get User jake.

Now we can login via SSH to user jake without password.

Privilege Escalation:

Let’s check sudo privilege for jake with command sudo -l

Now get exploit on GTFObins for /usr/bin/apt-get to get root shell.

sudo apt-get update -o APT::Update::Pre-Invoke::=/bin/sh

Happy Hacking!!

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