Home ColddBox:Easy - TryHackMe

ColddBox:Easy - TryHackMe

Room : https://tryhackme.com/room/colddboxeasy

Author : @martinfriasc


Let’s start with nmap scan.

Only port 80 is open lets’s check it.

We can see server is running wordpress with an old version 4.1.31.


From Gobuster result we get directory called /hidden

From the directory we get some usernames maybe. Let’s run the wpscan

So users confirmed, Give a try login with bruteforce method.

We get Username:Password, let’s login via /wp-login.php

And add php-reverse shell on 404 Template and call it.

It’s a wordpress server so let’s check for /wp-config.php file to get credentials.

Now we can Switch user to c0ldd and get user flag.

Privilege Escalation:

Running sudo -l we see that we can run some certain binaries as the root user.

Here iam using chmod which will changes permission of a binary file or executable,

Add a SUID bit on bash and get a root shell that way sudo chmod +s /bin/bash

Now run /bin/bash -p to get root shell

Thank you for reading my writeup!

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